Monday, October 26, 2009

Diane Wilson reflection

Natalie Sangiacomo

As I was writing this essay I wanted the audience to feel that I understood and learned from Diane Wilson’s more fully after I listened to her speak. Although her detailed book was extremely knowledgeable, I made a connection with her putting a face and voice to the words.

One of the problems I encountered while writing this essay was relating a personal experience with her message. I wanted to write about a topic in which I’m still passionate about, and not something I just made up. Even though my personal experience is entirely different than Diane Wilson’s, the idea and message are the same of supporting and making a difference to something you love and care about.

In high school, I was able to finish papers in under an hour and still be able to receive a good grade. I know that’s never going to happen again. It took myself more time to think about the lay out and ideas of my essay than I ever had in the past. I spent a great deal of time, energy, and efforts writing this essay and I only hope it will pay off. I look forward to becoming a better writer and making an introduction and conclusion stand out. I believe this class will challenge me to write in a different manner, and think in a more mature way.

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